Sunday, January 9, 2005

Turn on your radio... and most of the songs or the song titles of the songs that you will hear will have something... even a sliver of semblence... pertaining to love.

Why is it that we as a society are so preoccupied with the notion of falling in love, finding the right person... and eventually mating to create progeny that will eventually let us down in some way, while we systematically deny being let down in that way.

Do university text books hold validity regarding their slightly over the top discourse on the whole "purpose of life" which simply consists of doing whatever an individual/organism can to pass on its genes? I would like to believe that God had a... broader perspective on things regarding this subject. We as a society need to get over the fluffy attitude regarding L-O-V-E.

Love from individuals in this race we call human... come and go. So stop all the crying, fighting, complaining, and please... oh please... discontinue all MINDGAMES in progress.

Life goes on... and it ain't waiting for nobody... including you. When you meet the one... you'll know. And if you don't... well then... you've got a problem now don't you.

I know, I know... when desperation kicks in... yeah... we all know what goes down after that now...Have trouble finding love?

Start by loving yourself... then maybe... just maybe, you'll have room for loving that soon to be revealed special someone.

Why I'm writing about this at 3am in the morning is beyond me.

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